Minorities! Before art school these two would have never even gone near each other. Good thing Columbia offers a course on tolerance.

Public make out seshes are, like, so 7th grade. Pff, unless you're as hot as these two.

Why do people even own bongos? I can honestly say that I've only ever seen one person play bongos for more than 15 minutes. And he was trying to earn some cash outside a bar. Maybe these dudes are trying to impress chicks with their sense of rhythm.
"Hear that, babe? Trust me, I'm that rhythmic in the sack too."

This is early 1960s Greenwich village. I think this is Phil Ochs. Well, Phil Ochs' and Pete Doherty's love spawn. He sings about social inequities and babes.

Androgyny is cool, right? Actually, I don't think this chick is trying to look androgynous. The hiked up t-shirt and gratuitous stomach piece are pretty obvious "female" statements. Which is kind of a bummer for her face.